Commercial real estate
Shopping centres
Tenant involvement

Renovation announcement

Renovations are often one of the biggest potential sources of bad tenant experience. It pays to keep tenants updated often and in detail on what's going on with the renovation and how does it translate into tenants' daily lives.
Observation details
Occurred at
General information

Enter the content of this announcement here and add the pictures and attachments separately above. Depending on the chosen place, the announcement will be automatically distributed to the tenants' contact persons.

A good practice is to record the following details in the weekly renovation announcements:
• Current work/work starting during the week
• Work to be started in the next few weeks
• Work completed after the previous renovation announcement
• Things that affect tenants' everyday life
• Other matters (e.g. security, safety etc.)


5 participants
Logan Turner, Rebecca Lacey, Keira Ellis, Scott Ryan, Richard Garfield.
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