Commercial real estate
Facilities management
Tenant involvement

Renovation permit

Quite a few renovations require permission from the landlord and transparent documentation along with them. This form is built for tenants to initiate the renovation permit process and make the communication and documentation transparent with the landlord.
Observation details
Occurred at
Space details

Please attach the plans and drawings of the work.

Space number / other identification

Description of planned work

When would the renovation start

Date and time.

When would the renovation end

Date and time.

Contact information for contractors

Name, Business/Personal ID and contact details (construction works)

Name, Business/Personal ID and contact details (HVAC works)

Name, Business/Personal ID and contact details (electric works)

Name, Business/Personal ID and contact details (supervisor of work)

Estimate of the impact of the renovation work on the other premises of the real estate

Harms during or after renovation

Possilbe harm to other tenants

Tenant signature

With the signature, I certify that:

• The work to be performed is in accordance with good construction practice.
• Work will not be started until it has been processed by the property owner.
• Processing time can be up to weeks, depending on the project.
• Modifications will be made in accordance with this notice.
• I am aware of the obligation to pay for the additional work and explanations caused by the change work notice and the work
the obligation to pay the costs of supervision.
• I am aware of the change in asbestos law on 1 January 2016.

Falcony signature
January 20, 2023 - 15:42
5 participants
Logan Turner, Rebecca Lacey, Keira Ellis, Scott Ryan, Richard Garfield.
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