Health and safety

Report of unfair treatment at work

Unfair treatment comes in many forms and it's not always easy to determine the behavior. This template can be used to detect all suspicions of such cases in order to intervene early and prevent them from happening in the first place.
Observation details
Occurred at
General questions

The Finnish Occupational Safety and Health Act prohibits all kinds of harassment that put employees’ health at risk or in danger. Harassment refers to systematic and persistent offensive conduct or behaviour.

Harassment includes, for example,
• repeated threats
• intimidation
• malicious or suggestive comments
• belittling or scornful remarks
• persistent unwarranted criticism and sabotage of performance
• attacks on reputation or status
• systematic ostracism or exclusion
• sexual harassment.

These kinds of conduct have the potential to damage employees’ health.

Abuse of authority is also a form of harassment. Examples include:
• systematic unwarranted scrutiny of performance
• making arbitrary changes to the nature of employees’ work or their workload
• introducing unlawful amendments to agreed terms of employment
• inappropriate use of powers
• allocation of humiliating tasks

The following do not constitute harassment:employers’ fair and reasonable decisions and instructions concerning work and the management of workgeneral discussions concerning problems relating to work and the work communityjustified intervention in employees’ practicesdeserved warningsordering an employee to undergo a work ability assessment if there is a justified reason to do so.

Name of the reporter

Workplace of the reporter

Contact details of the reporter

Phone number and/or email.

Name of suspected bully

Workplace of suspected bully

The suspected bully has continued bullying, despite that I have requested him/her to stop

I have declared to person that I experience his/her behaviour as bullying. He/she has not stopped bullying.

If the employee has clearly indicated to the bully that he or she does not approve of his or her conduct, the bully may be deemed to be aware of the negative effects of his or her conduct and then continue to harass intentionally.

If yes, when?

When did you request the suspected bully to stop bullying?

I have informed my supervisor or my supervisor's manager that I experience bullying

The supervisor is responsible for investigating workplace bullying situations in the workplace. If the suspected bully is your own supervisor, the responsibility passes to the supervisor's supervisor.

If yes, when?

When did you inform you supervisor or supervisor's manager about the bullying?

Detailed description of your experience

5 participants
Logan Turner, Rebecca Lacey, Keira Ellis, Scott Ryan, Richard Garfield.
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